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«Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A»
(Российский журнал астрофизических исследований. Серия А) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7499
Периодичность – один раз в год.
Издается с 2015 года.

1 June 30, 2016

1. Sachin Kaothekar
Star Formation via Thermal Instability of Radiative Thermally Conducting Viscous Plasma with FLR Corrections in ISM

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A, 2016, Vol.(2), Is. 1, pp. 4-22.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2016.2.4CrossRef

The process of star formation is one of the most fascinating processes in the astronomy and astrophysics. The effect of radiative heat-loss function and finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) corrections on thermal instability of infinite homogeneous viscous plasma has been investigated incorporating the effects of thermal conductivity, finite electrical resistivity and permeability for star formation. A general dispersion relation is derived using the normal mode analysis method with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. The wave propagation along and perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field has been discussed. Stability of the medium is discussed by applying Routh Hurwitz’s criterion. We find that the presence of FLR corrections, radiative heat-loss function and thermal conductivity modifies the fundamental criterion of thermal instability. Numerical calculations have been performed to show the effect of various parameters on the growth rate of the thermal instability. From the curves we find that heat-loss function and FLR corrections have stabilizing effect on the growth rate of thermal instability. Our results are applicable in understanding the star formation in interstellar medium.

URL: http://ejournal28.com/journals_n/1470741352.pdf
Number of views: 2021      Download in PDF

2. Viktor P. Savinych
On the Relation of the Concepts of Space Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge of the Spatial

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A, 2016, Vol.(2), Is. 1, pp. 23-32.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2016.2.23CrossRef

The article analyzes the term cosmic knowledge. The article substantiates the introduction of the term cosmic knowledge in modern terminology field. The article analyzes the evolution of the concepts: knowledge, knowledge of the spatial and geoznanie cosmic knowledge. The article shows the close relationship between the cosmic knowledge and geoznaniem. The article reveals the content of important spatial knowledge and geoznaniya. The article shows that these properties are transferred to the cosmic knowledge. The article shows the specific differences cosmic knowledge from other types of knowledge. The article proves the introduction of the term cosmic knowledge in the language of modern science.

URL: http://ejournal28.com/journals_n/1470741418.pdf
Number of views: 2033      Download in PDF

3. Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov
The Problem of Asteroid-Comet Danger

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A, 2016, Vol.(2), Is. 1, pp. 33-40.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2016.2.33CrossRef

This article describes the problem of asteroid and comet hazard. The article reveals the history of the problem. This article describes a feature for monitoring the small celestial bodies. The article proves the need for a global monitoring for solving the problem of asteroid and comet hazard. Article assesses the danger zones of convergence of small celestial bodies with the Earth. The article provides recommendations for the development of analytical software.

URL: http://ejournal28.com/journals_n/1470741477.pdf
Number of views: 1977      Download in PDF

4. Takaaki Musha
Corona Heating Problem from the Standpoint of ZPF Radiation from Vacuum

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A, 2016, Vol.(2), Is. 1, pp. 41-46.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2016.2.41CrossRef

The corona heating problem in solar physics relates to the question of why the temperature of the Sun's corona is millions of Kelvin higher than that of the surface. The author proposed in his paper that cosmic background radiation might be due to Cherenkov radiation from superluminal particle pairs created in a ZPF field of the vacuum. By using this theory, it can be shown that that the corona heating problem can be explained by Cherenkov radiation from superluminal particles created from the ZPF field in the hot plasma of the Sun.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1471958629.pdf
Number of views: 1975      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal28.com/journals_n/1471958650.pdf
Number of views: 1997      Download in PDF

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