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«Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A»
(Российский журнал астрофизических исследований. Серия А) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7499
Периодичность – один раз в год.
Издается с 2015 года.

Рейтинг статей журнала

АвторНазвание статьиГод, номерКоличество скачиваний
1Evgeny P. Prokopiev [Russia]Antimatter: Synthesis, Properties and Applications 1. General Principles of Interaction of Matter and Antimatter. Non-Relativistic Theory2015, June2074
2Dmitry D. Sokoloff[Russia]Electrical Charge in a Closed Universe2015, June2058
3Viktor I. Grafutin[Russia], Vladimir A. Ilyukhin[Russia], Olga V. Ilyukhina[Russia], Evgeny P. Prokopiev[Russia], Gennady I. Savel'ev[Russia], Nikolai O. Khmelevskii[Russia], Yury V. Funtikov[Russia]The Application of Methods of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy in Nuclear Technology 1. Research of Structural Materials of the Active Zone of the Reactor by the Angular Distribution of Annihilation Photons (ADAP Method)2015, June2035
4Valery G. Bondur[Russia], and Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov[Russia]System Analysis in Space Research2015, June2021
5Viktor P. Savinych[Russia]On the Relation of the Concepts of Space Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge of the Spatial2016, June2010
6Sachin Kaothekar[India]Star Formation via Thermal Instability of Radiative Thermally Conducting Viscous Plasma with FLR Corrections in ISM2016, June2002
7Takaaki Musha[Japan]Corona Heating Problem from the Standpoint of ZPF Radiation from Vacuum2016, June1957
8Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov[Russia]The Problem of Asteroid-Comet Danger2016, June1955
9V.P. Savinych[Russia]Evolution of Space Monitoring2017, September1683
10V.P. Kulagin[Russia]Monitoring of Dangerous Space Bodies2017, September1679

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