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«Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A» – scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7499
Issued one time a year.
Issued from 2015.

1 March 25, 2024


1. Sergey V. Bronnikov
Corporate Governance Space Vehicle

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 3-8.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.3CrossRef

The article explores technologies for corporate management of spacecraft. It includes their ground training in flight control and the accumulation of control experience. The difference between corporate and collegial management is shown. Three types of corporate governance are described. Corporate spacecraft management is treated as an integrated technology that includes organizational, technological and cognitive components. This technology requires the use of space geoinformatics methods. Corporate management of spacecraft is organizational and technical. It introduces an additional management cycle: balancing or coordination of decisions. The cognitive factor is an important and necessary element of spacecraft control. Corporate management of spacecraft requires an additional management cycle – balancing. Another additional cycle of corporate governance is the management of spacecraft complementarity. These two additional cycles increase management time but are necessary components of corporate governance. Examples of corporate governance in land-based mobile objects are given. The connection between subsidiary management and corporate management of moving objects is shown. Socially sustainable corporate governance is described. The article describes the content and principles of corporate governance. A system model of corporate governance principles is given. The system components of corporate governance are described. Corporate spacecraft management is a new management and space technology. Spacecraft management can only be corporate, since this is the only way to reduce management complexity.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706291854.pdf
Number of views: 61      Download in PDF

2. Gospodinov Slaveyko Gospodinov
Instrumental Space Astronomy

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 9-12.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.9CrossRef

The article explores instrumental space astronomy as a direction in space research. Instrumental space astronomy is closer to space geodesy and space geoinformatics than to astronomy. The trend of transformation of earth sciences into space sciences has been noted. The structure of instrumental space astronomy is shown. Instrumental space astronomy is a development of the direction of observational astronomy. However, observations are complemented by measurements and modeling. Instrumental space astronomy differs from classical astronomy in the use of spatial logic, geomonitoring and spatial modeling. Classical astronomy studies celestial objects from great distances. Instrumental space astronomy studies planets from short distances comparable to several planetary radii. Classical astronomy studies celestial objects from the surface of the earth using radio telescopes. Instrumental space astronomy explores planets from spacecraft. Classical astronomy examines celestial objects using angular measurements and navigational estimates. Instrumental space astronomy explores planets using linear and angular measurements, models and simulations. Instrumental space astronomy studies objects using the methodological apparatus of space geoinformatics and space geodesy. Instrumental space astronomy provides tools for studying planets and therefore it is also close to comparative planetology.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706291887.pdf
Number of views: 61      Download in PDF

3. Stanislav A. Kudzh
Systematics of Near-Earth Space

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 13-17.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.13CrossRef

The article explores the content of near-Earth outer space. The presence of zones that create the heterogeneity of space is shown. The morphology and semantics of near-Earth space is investigated. Different approaches to estimating the boundaries of near-Earth space are described. The concept of "geocentric space" is introduced as a spherical model and a generalization of the near-Earth space. Geocentric space has floating boundaries and may include lunar space. The systematics of geocentric space up to the orbit of the Moon is given. The systematics of outer space zones is made on the basis of their distance from the center and the surface of the Earth. Eleven zones have been identified. Some zones are physical in nature, other zones are anthropogenic. The article introduces the concept of morphological and semantic modeling in space research. Morphological modeling differs from the parametric morphological analysis introduced by Zwicke. Morphological modeling in space research is proposed as a kind of geometric modeling associated with conformal transformations. A special case of morphological modeling is shown as a kind of cartographic transformations. Semantic modeling in space research is proposed as a method of parametric transformations and analysis of the similarity of models in terms of content. A graphical scheme of the systematics of near-Earth outer space is given. The features of the zones that create heterogeneity are described. The upper zone from the center of the Earth indicates the area of lunar attraction. In the proposed model, lunar space is not included in the region of near-Earth space.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706291920.pdf
Number of views: 101      Download in PDF

4. Vladimir V. Litvinov
Space Transport Cyber Space

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 18-21.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.18CrossRef

The article explores space transport cyberspace as a tool for controlling ground transport and spacecraft. Space transport cyberspace has two areas of application: space and ground. Space direction is associated with the control of spacecraft, ground control is associated with the management of ground transport. The role of monitoring in the use of space transport cyberspace is shown. The components of space transport cyberspace are described. The contents of the components of space transport cyberspace are disclosed. Support systems for space transport cyberspace are described. Coordinate systems are an essential component of space transport cyberspace. One of the main types of methodological support for space transport cyberspace is geoinformatics methods. The difference between information space and cyberspace is shown. The connection between cyberspace and the information field is shown. Cyber space is considered as a synthesis of space, network organization, information field and information space. An analysis of the concept of the term “space” and its relationship to the term cyberspace has been carried out. The article introduces the term “Space transport cyber space”. A control mechanism using cyber space is described. Comic transport cyber space includes space transport and ground transport. Similar concepts are explored: network space, virtual space and cyber space of digital twins. For complex integrated management of a system of transport facilities, cyberspace is necessary.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706291961.pdf
Number of views: 58      Download in PDF

5. Vladimir V. Oznamets
Space Astronomy as a New Scientific Direction

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 22-27.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.22CrossRef

The article explores space astronomy as a new scientific direction. Cosmic astronomy complements classical astronomy and is its development. Space astronomy can be considered as astronomy whose observation points are transferred from the earth's surface and near-Earth space into space onto space media. Space astronomy differs from classical astronomy not only in the transfer of observation points into outer space, but also in its methodological and organizational basis. Space astronomy, in addition to the basics of astronomy, uses new sciences as components: space geodesy, space geoinformatics, geodetic astronomy, spatial analysis, spatial logic, system analysis, computer science. The application of spatial logic is one of the features of space astronomy. The main means of observation in space astronomy is space monitoring, which uses the ideas of geoinformation monitoring. Space astronomy is a “situational” science. She not only observes, but also measures and forms management decisions. For example, the problem of selecting sites for landing spacecraft belongs to the field of space astronomy. The application of the information field model is an important difference in space astronomy. The information field is an integral model that unites different fields and allows for complex analysis and complex problem solving.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706291993.pdf
Number of views: 50      Download in PDF

6. Viktor P. Savinych
Information Approach in Space Research

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 28-33.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.28CrossRef

The article explores the information approach as one of the methods for obtaining knowledge in space research. The advantage of the information approach is that it systematizes research and systematizes the use of models in solving typical problems. The universality of models in the information approach allows the transfer of knowledge from one area of research to another area of research. The versatility of the models allows you to gain experience. The article describes the current state of the information approach. The main stages of the information approach are described. The main aspects of using the information approach are described. The information approach includes a set of principles and methods. Important components of the information approach include: information space, information field, information technology, information systems, onomasiological modeling, information models, information units, information situations, semasiological modeling, solving applied problems. The basic concept of the information approach uses the concept of an “information field” model. The information approach arose within the framework of earth sciences, but is fully applicable in space research. Space research uses information models and simulations. Space research uses the ideas of geoinformatics and geoinformation models. Models of spatial relationships and georeferences are important in the information approach for space research. The main objective of the information approach in space research is to obtain new knowledge and spatial knowledge. An additional task of the information approach in space research is to obtain information resources and accumulate experience in space research.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706292026.pdf
Number of views: 53      Download in PDF

7. Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov
Ergatic Systems in Space Research

Russian Journal of Astrophysical Research. Series A. 2024. 10(1): 34-37.
DOI: 10.13187/rjar.2024.1.34CrossRef

The article explores cosmic ergatic systems. The ergatic system is one of the types of complex systems that function with human participation. Not all such systems are ergatic. The system becomes ergatic with significant human involvement in its work. The article gives a definition of the ergatic system. The use of ergatic systems is a mandatory technology in space research. The article shows the difference between the human-machine system and the ergatic system in terms of parameters and areas of application. The term cosmic ergatic systems are introduced. Space ergatics systems are designed to control spacecraft and orbital stations. Space ergatic systems include control, navigation and prevention systems, in which humans play an important role. Three areas of application of space ergatic systems are shown. Structural diagrams of the human-machine system and the ergatic system are given. The features of ergatic space systems are described from the perspective of complex systems and from the perspective of system analysis. The article notes that many complex systems are not effective in complex situations. In these cases, it is necessary to use ergatic systems. The types and specialization of ergatic systems are shown. The ergatic cosmic system has the property of emergence. The emergence of such a system has different components: intellectual, cognitive, resource and others. This is the fundamental difference between cosmic ergatic systems and other complex systems. Comparing complex systems with ergatic or human-machine systems is possible only on the basis of the real situation and the tasks facing the system. The article shows that space ergatic systems can be considered as a type of heuristic and intelligent systems.

URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706292191.pdf
Number of views: 95      Download in PDF

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URL: https://rjar.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1706292211.pdf
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